Welcome to Reception
Autumn Term
In our first term in school we spend a lot of time getting to know each other and our new school. We will be learning in the different areas in our classroom and will also get to know new routines and experiences such as going to the hall for lunch and PE.
Our key text of Goldilocks and the Three Bears will be introduced through provision in our Three Bears' cottage role play.
We will be learning about the season of Autumn and will enjoy celebrating Harvest time by joining with Nursery to make soup and bread.
As well as learning all about ourselves, we usually have a Christmas workshop in our classroom, and of course lots of work on learning our letters and numbers.
Spring Term
We have a fantastic time in the Spring term, learning all sorts of interesting things at school and at home! We learn about our families and create lots of art work for the home corner.
We all like pretending to be teachers in the school themed role play area too, which helps us practise our reading, writing and maths.
It is great to play out in the snow and explore our Winter themed classroom provision. We end our term looking for signs of Spring. We prepare for Easter by making baskets, decorating cards and hopefully a visit from the Easter Bunny!
Summer Term
In Summer 1 our key text is Jack and the Beanstalk. Linked to this we will be looking at how we have grown and changed since we were born. We will also be learning about life cycles of plants and animals. We will be planting seeds and observing tadpoles.
In maths we will be exploring numbers 11-20 and becoming more confident with our recall of number facts.
In computing we will be investigating the paint program Dazzle. We will be learning how to use the various tools to create pictures in the style of an artist.
In Summer 2 our key text is Little Red Riding hood. This leads to a focus on keeping healthy and safe including stranger danger and dental hygiene.
We also start our transition to Year 1 and begin to welcome next year’s children too.
Sports Day is a big focus for us in the Summer Term and we always enjoy the Horsforth Gala; let’s hope the weather stays dry for both!
Reception Staff
Miss Thompson
Mrs Wiles
Mrs Bulgin
Mrs Bullough
Mrs Foster Conlon
Mrs Howard
Miss Robson
Mrs Sterling
Reception Information
Both Reception classes will do indoor P.E.
RT - Tuesday RW- Wednesday
P.E. kit in Reception is a white t-shirt and black shorts/ leggings or a black leotard. Pumps are not required. We advise that P.E. kits are left in school on your child's peg.
As a school we place a high value on reading at home and we have the expectation that parents/carers will read daily with their children at home. Children will bring home their reading records and a book each night but this must come back to school the next day. Children will need a book bag to keep their reading materials in.
We will change books on Mondays if children have read at home and parents indicate that they are ready for a new book.
Parents have access to Tapestry where photographs of their child's learning will be uploaded regularly. Parents are encouraged to post photos and notes from home too.
Our Curriculum is constantly evolving and we consider our planning to be working documents.
To find out more, visit our Curriculum/Progress and Learning pages or click on the links below.