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Welcome to Broadgate's Nursery


We offer morning, afternoon or all day sessions.

Your child can start Nursery the term after they are three. We offer a variety of childcare options including 15 hours free childcare and 30 hours FEEE and paid Integrated Care sessions. Please see our childcare options explained booklet for further details.

Broadgate’s Out of School Club also includes care for children of Nursery age from 7.30am until 6.30pm. Places for the Out of School Club are limited particularly when applying within the school year. It is advisable to apply for places well in advance of your child starting Nursery. Please contact the Out of School Club on  07712 216344 or OOSC@broadgateprimary.org.uk for further details.

All places are term time only.

To apply for a place please either fill in the Nursery Admission slip attached or pop into the school office to collect a paper copy.

Early Years Foundation Stage

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) covers the period in your child's life from birth to 5 years old. The EYFS sets out what Early Years professionals must do to support your child. The attached parent guides help parents/carers learn more about their child's learning and development in relation to the EYFS.

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