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Welcome to Year 6


Autumn Term

The children will begin by writing speeches to persuade the other pupils in their colour house to vote for them as house captains.  We are excited about videoing our speeches.

In Art and Design we will be learning about the life and work of Pablo Picasso, with a special focus on his famous painting called 'Guernica'.  The pupils will be making mixed media art work.

In Science we will learn about micro-organisms and the work of Edward Jenner.

We will be learning about Shakespeare and the pupils will be taking part in a drama workshop run by the Northern Arts Factory.

We will be reading Children of Winter, which links to our mini-topic about the Great Plague of 1665.

Spring Term

Our main topic centres around the Roman invasion and settlement of Britain.  As well as history, this topic will also provide much of the content for our English, Geography and Art work this term.

In Science, we will be learning all about Evolution and Inheritance and the life and work of Charles Darwin.  

In D&T pupils will be designing and making textile phone cases.

Our P.E. this term will be Football and Rounders.

During this term we will be working hard to prepare for the KS2 SATs, as these are an important focus for our Year 6 pupils.


Summer Term

Our main topic this term is all about the Maya Civilisation and in addition to our work in history, some of our Art, Geography and English work will also be inspired by this topic.

In Science we will be learning all about the human body.  We will begin by finding out about James Lind and his clinical trial to find a cure for scurvy.  We will then learn all about the functions of the circulatory system and keeping healthy through diet and exercise.   

At the end of the year we will go on our residential trip to Robinwood, focus on transition to high school and prepare for our Leavers' Assembly.

Year 6 Staff

Mrs Tyrrell   

Mrs Qualtrough

Mr Tyrrell

Mrs Wade

Mr Griffiths

Please get in touch with a member of the Year 6 team if you have any worries or concerns about your child.

Thank you.

Year 6 Information


Y6QT's P.E. day is Monday and Y6JT's P.E. day is Wednesday.  Children should come to school in their outdoor bottoms, normal school shirt and sweatshirt. They should bring a t-shirt and trainers to change into.


English and Maths homework should be given in by Thursday each week.  KS2 children who do not return homework on time must attend our Homework Catch-Up Club, on Thursday lunchtime.

Spellings should be learnt each week for a test on Friday.

Our Curriculum is constantly evolving and we consider our planning to be working documents.

To find out more, visit our Curriculum/Progress and Learning pages or click on the links below.

Broadgate Primary School - Curriculum

Broadgate Primary School - Progress and Learning

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